About Us

The Plant Tissue Culture Association of India (PTCA (I)) is an elite body of Plant Tissue Culture Scientists, several of whom are pioneers in this field and while others have established scientific credentials. The Association today is made up of 90 members. The annual meeting of the association invites aspirants to membership. Selected aspirants are required to make a presentation and new members are selected through the votes of the members present at the meeting. The meeting of the association is coupled to a three day symposium on a theme related to plant tissue culture to which nearly 400 delegates are invited. This event thus brings together not only the members, but also the members of the academia, industry and research institutions to present and exchange achievements and views in plant tissue culture.


The objectives of the Association as laid down in the articles of the Association in brief are:

  • Exchange of information and coordination between plant cell, tissue and organ culture workers by holding meetings, conferences, publication of scientific newsletters,
  • To identify PTC problems of practical application and to collaborate with specialists in other countries and to represent the work done in India at an International level,
  • Promotion of basic and applied problems of PTC and to make recommendations to the authorities concerned to strengthen research in areas of major importance,
  • To promote and maintain liaison between the Association and other professional organizations such as International Association for Plant Tissue Culture.